
This is a list of programs implemented at Move Play Listen Learn

  • The Extra Lesson is an wholistic programme combining a neuro-developmental movement programme, concentration exercises, rhythm and painting.

  • ‘The Focus (and Pro) Systems are clinical interventions used to improve brain function through brain and body integration via multisensory input.

    The Pro System is used in-clinic and the Focus System can be used in-clinic or at home. They consist of specially-treated music combined with fun movement activities, and, when ready, cognitive challenges to further activate brain networks.

    Ideal for both children and adults, the Systems include programs for sensory & motor, concentration & attention, reading & auditory processing and more.’

  • ‘This is a non-invasive intervention involving listening to music that has been processed specifically to retune the nervous system (regulating state) to introduce a sense of safety and the ability to socially engage. This allows the client to better interpret not only human speech, but, importantly, the emotional meaning of language. Once interpersonal interactions improve, spontaneous social behaviors and an enhanced ability to learn, self-regulate and engage are often seen.’

  • This protocol is an intensive intervention that uses deep touch pressure and joint proprioception (the ability to sense precisely both the static position and dynamic changes in the position of limbs, fingers, and other body parts) to improve underlying sensory over-reactivity/defensiveness.

  • LENS is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram, or EEG. LENS Neurofeedback supports self-regulation. Self-regulation is a necessary part of optimal brain performance and function, allowing the nervous system to function better.

    The LENS is a specific kind of low energy neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly than “traditional neurofeedback” and has qualities that make it much easier to use with people who can’t sit still. With the LENS, the client doesn’t need to “do” anything, and there is nothing to learn. The typical session with the LENS lasts 3-4 minutes.

    At MPLL the LENS neurofeedback is optional and incorporated during the regular session on a weekly basis if recommended after discussion with the client's family. The LENS works well with problems of the Central Nervous System, which can be numerous. These include symptoms of anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behaviour disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy. These are all signs of Central Nervous System dysfunction which result in the body’s difficulty regulating itself.